Justin Gutang 26, 190 cm, Philippines, an Asian quarter forward for Changwon LG, will participate in the all-star dunk contest of the 2023-2024 Jeonggwanjang Professional Basketball League, which will take place at Goyang Sono Arena on Jan. 14 next year. Dunking using tremendous elasticity and speed is Gutang's trademark. After beating the defense, the team displays a dunk that is close to a stunt.

"I want to participate in the 3-point shooting contest," he said, displaying confidence for a clear reason. His attack efficiency has soared throughout this season. He has averaged 13 minutes and 39 seconds in 25 games, displaying performance like Altoran with 7.5 points, 3.1 rebounds, and two assists, and the success rate of 3-point shooting reaches 73.7 percent 14 successful attempts in 19 attempts. It is a remarkable transformation of Gutang, who had only 18 3-point shots in 44 games last season three success, 16.7 percent success rate. LG captain Lee Kwan-hee also gives a big thumbs up, saying that Gutang is a player who needs to play in more games.

"In the past, we used to deploy shooters when we needed to change the atmosphere with shots. We used to use high-speed gutters to break the solid defense of opposing teams, but these days, gutters are even allowing shots," LG manager Cho Sang-hyun said. "Gutting is essential even for Cho's unique tactics of gaining the upper hand in the number of offense by converting fastballs and numbers. 토토사이트 추천

With the success rate of three-point shooting soaring, Gutang's attack efficiency has also improved beyond recognition. His field goal accuracy rate, which averaged 13 minutes and 37 seconds last season and was 51.5 percent 87 successful in 169 cities and provinces jumped to 63.5 percent 80 successful in 126 cities and provinces this season. Despite playing time that is rather short, he has been contributing significantly to scoring goals, and there is nothing more to be desired. The success rate of free throws is also 77.8 percent 14 successful in 18 cities and provinces, which is satisfactory.

"I practiced shooting a lot during the off-season, and now that I throw with confidence for the team, I think I have good results," Gutang said. "I think I have made great efforts. Thanks to my early joining the team and training in defense, I was able to contribute more to the defense of the team. I am learning by always competing with players whose positions overlap with those of Lee Kwan-hee." "Looking at the players who participated in the Dunk Contest, there are many good players, so I think the competition will be fun. I will try the 3-point shooting contest next year," he continued with a smile.